Monday 24 March 2008

The Test Run

For Pat's test run, we ventured not far from Nottingham, into the peaks' district. This was departure from our original plans to visit Scotland to catch the end of the ski season. However, I am recovering from laser eye surgery(20/20 vision now:-) and friends of ours were planning a girls weekend there, so we headed back to the peaks.
This district has many many happy memories, from our explorations when we first bought our car, walks with the local ramblers club, our visits with all our 'out of town' visitors, to an 'almost proposal' from Daniel (something about me throwing snowballs, blah blah, haha). The stone walls, animals and narrow country lanes, feel like the quintessential English countryside should. And the people, though there be too many of them, are mostly well behaved.
This time have visited the Goyt valley, an area we have not been to before. There are a number of peaks with 636m being the highest. In England, at 526m Shining Tor is a veritable mountain and I look forward to climbing it today.

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