Saturday 14 June 2008

11/06/08 - Snow way!

Today we had planned to climb Norway's highest peak - Galdahøpiggen at
2469 metres, but it didn't look like particularly good weather. We
started off in the right direction up Northern Europe's highest (and
most spectacular) mountain pass. At the 1400m high point we enjoyed
lunch in our nice warm van whilst outside a snow storm raged. Today
definitely wasn't the day to climb the highest peak in Norway.

Unfortunately though there were mountains all around we couldn't see
much for the clouds but the parts we could see were amazing, in spite
of the weather. After an hour of 12% downhill gradient we'd made it
all the way back to sea level and the fiord Lustrafjorden. Marea and
Kerryn went for a walk while I decided another afternoon nap would be
better for me and my bikini bod.

We are now entering the Jostedalsbreen National Park and glacier
country!! Our final resting spot for the night is on the road to the
Nigardshreen glacier, we are over looking the glacial river which is
full to capacity!!

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