Saturday 13 September 2008

08/09/08 - Wild rocky coastline.

A beautiful sunny hot day today - didn't really help us get into gear
this morning. But by late morning we'd made it down to the Cadaques
information centre. There, we obtained some maps of the walk along the
coastline out to Cap de Crues. There was a road, but driving the van
out there was knocked on the head when we were told about the fines
you can get for taking a campervan on their precious road - I think
its to stop people being tempted to free camp. Other options such as
train, boat, scooter or bike were mooted but discarded, in favour of
our more cash efficient feet. But first, a snooze was in order.

Then, about 13:00, when most Catalans are turning in for siesta, we
headed off for what was a very long, hot excursion amongst the
terraced olive trees and rocky outcrops. However our walk did take us
around many inviting rocky beaches where we'd stop off for a quick dip
before continuing on our way. Marea even braved some small brown
jellyfish at one 'Nudista Playa'. Perhaps it was the jellyfish keeping
away the 'enthusiasts', but anyway she was very thankful not to
encounter any 'bits' hanging out.

After a final last push on we made it to the Cap de Crues lighthouse.
Here we wandered among the unique volcanic looking rock formations,
whose causes and effects we could only guess at. I think to be a
geologist would have been a most useful profession on this trip.

The walk back in the late afternoon sun was much quicker and easier
and our reward: one last dip before heading back to our campsite for

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