Saturday 13 September 2008

11/09/08 - Into the Pyrenees

Wow - a sleep in till 9.30!! We should really be making the most of
things like this, cause it won't be long till we are back in the real

With the hot, dry Mediterranean wind whipping off the ocean, drying
all of our washing only took half an hour. Then it was Pat's turn to
have quick wash and get all the salt off him. We then took one last
swim in the Mediterranean, then headed inland with no particular
destination in mind, except towards the Pyrenees.

We stopped at the foot of Montserrat - a 1,236m mountain with some
very cool bulbuous shaped peaks, sort of made you feel like you were
back in the Italian Dolomites - except these peaks had been eroded
down to a nice smooth finish. There is a Benedictine Monastry
accessible via cablecar, but we were content to view its precarious,
though picturesque setting, from far below.

Onward in a northern direction until we turned off onto a side road.
The only thing we knew about this road was that it was marked as
'scenic' on our map. It certainly was scenic enough, as we passed a
dam and resulting lake, then slowly climbed up and down through the
forest covered hills. We passed a number of parking spots that could
be aright for a sleeping spot, but everytime we kept saying 'just one
more corner' - as surely in an area like this we should find the
perfect view to spend the evening looking over.

Finally, sick of driving - we got to the little Catalan village of
Alpens. It even had a parking area that overlooked the village - that
will do!!

A few hours later it looked like we might be regretting our choice, as
a neighbouring party was in full swing. Then luck came our way and a
massive thunderstorm & torrential downpour sent the party goers home -
good stuff!!

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