Monday 12 November 2007

On being told to "harden up"

I have splinters! Long ones that I can't remove.
Apparently in Daniel's native farm environment, complaining about splinters is tantamount to saying "I'm a wuss". Not having grown up in this environment, Daniel's amusement at my discomfort is not appreciated.

Said splinters were gathered whilst cleaning out the camper. the wooden interior needs a hammer taking to bang in all the nails that have come loose.

There was so much crap in there! Two shopping bags full of food. A cupboard full of cleaning products, books, pens, bedding, nothing in it's place and nothing had a place.
We could just reuse all the crap, but to me that feels a bit too much like getting all your clothes from the op shop. I want my camper to be like a new school uniform, all clean and crisp.

Daniel is lucky that his study schedule exempts him from the splinter inducing cleaning...for now.

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