Tuesday 22 April 2008

19/04/08 -from Daniel

We managed to sleep through most of a very windy night on the far end
of the Hook Peninsula - right under the oldest working lighthouse in
Ireland. It turned out that we were very lucky it wasn't a foggy
night, as during our guided tour of the lighthouse this morning we
learnt that a lighthouse doesn't just warn ships with a light, but it
also has a fog horn emitting two 'blasts' every 45 seconds!! That
surely would have moved us on ;-)

After our tour we made the most of the Wifi connection in the cafe to
catch up on the outside world. Marea was suitably pleased that she is
not the only one who has voted for me to not shave!! So far the
shaver is still in use though ;-)

After making our way back across the East Passage via the car ferry,
we stocked up on food and gas (I am dismayed that Pat does not have a
small carbon footprint :-( = €€€
We then headed for County Tipperary and the historic town of Lismore.
First sight from the road was the amazing view of Lismore Castle
standing above the river. After stumbling across a vigil service just
starting, we decided that going to mass would be a good way to see
inside the church. The priest's 'tick' Irish accent made my Irish
former boss' accent mild in comparison At least that's my excuse for
not taking in a word that was said.

Back on the streets of Lismore we saw a picture of a nearby ruinthat
looked like a perfect sleeping spot - so we drove to what should have
been a 5 minute drive however, half an hour later we'd managed a
complete round trip back to Lismore and had to settle on a car park on
the outskirts of town. Oh well, can't have the best sleeping spots
all the time?!

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