Tuesday 1 July 2008

30/06/08 - The mosquitoes are bigger up north!!

Today was a little bit of a failure in terms of getting out and about
and seeing all the scenery. After taking in the view of Lake
Storumond from a handy vantage point, we headed down to the lake and
navigated numerous causeways and bridges hopping from island to island
all populated with summer houses. We found a promising walking track
but, after 5 minutes walking it petered out to nothing (we think it
went under the lake) and before we knew it we were back at the van.

On deciding that there wasn't alot else on offer at Storuman we headed
up to Sorsele to try our luck. The information lady didn't 'think'
there were any walks around the Sorsele area, so we found our own walk
in the Gimegolts nature reserve that leads out to a small canyon. We
would have had the whole place to ourselves, except the mosquitoes
thought it was a pretty cool place too. I bet they thought it even
cooler when we showed up!!! Marea had to take on the role of
photographer's assistant which involved swotting mosquitoes away from
Daniel's shorts clad legs for as long as he stopped to take photos. We
didn't hang round for too long, though the canyon was definitely worth
the walk, but headed back to the van to continue north!!

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