Wednesday 9 July 2008

The beard lament.

It's true it's gone:-(

The red wooley mammoth is no longer. Apparently the Daniel's birthday present to me was to keep the beard until after my birthday. Thanks, I think?

Still I know that certain a Mrs Verry was not very appreciative of Daniel's facial hair, so at least someone is happy.

I did suggest that Daniel buy a razor and let me shave various beard/moustache/sideburn combinations all the while taking photos for prosperity - but, We were NOT amused. In fact We were not amused by the whole beard growing process! But I did convince Daniel an official photogragh was necessary if only for his children's amusement.

Perhaps the self inflicted pain of removing the beard with a (probably blunt) electric razor was Daniel's punishment for all the complaining "it's itchy/it's scratchy/it gets food stuck in it"

But now that it is gone I expect I'll see Daniel's brother Phillip soon; he did promise certain consequences should Daniel get rid of the beard.

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