Sunday 10 August 2008

04/08/08 - Getting in amongst the Teplice Rocks.

Still in a far too relaxed state of mind (or should it be lazy), we
headed for the Czech Republic and the town of Broumov. With no
advance planning, the first task was to find out what the exchange
rate was before we could get any Czech money out - you can't expect us
to remember from being here 3 years ago.

With that sorted, some compulsory yellow reflector vests purchased,
and information for the nearby Teplice Rocks Nature Reserve acquired -
we were off to the nature reserve to see the sights and climb in
amongst the Teplice rocks. These amazing rock outcrops, tower above
the valley floor and our 3 hours walking track. One's neck can get
quite sore, and the potential for tripping quite high as you are
continually looking up at the rock formations above. At one point a
side track/staircase took us up into the rocks where apparently there
once stood the 13th century Strmen castle. How they managed to find
enough room on the tops of these rocks is beyond me, but it would
definitely be a very good spot to defend!!

Not happy just to follow the main tourist path back to our van, we
used our fantastic map orienteering skills and took a lesser known
path, still seeing more rocks balanced precariously on top of each
other, plus with no fellow tourists to watch out for, it was very

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