Sunday 10 August 2008

07/08/08 - Guess who got caught speeding??

After yesterdays exploits we were in no hurry to rush, but come
lunchtime we were back on the road in search of some cooking gas -
which we finally found as the temperature crept up and up. Feeling
the effects of no air-conditioning in van, the consensus was that an
afternoon at the movies was best!! Given we were in a English non
speaking country our options were limited but we settled on a 15:00
showing of Mama-Mia. Marea was happy as a pig in muck since it
starred not one but two of her leading men: Pierce Brosnan and Colin

The temperature was not alot better, and rush hour traffic was in full
swing by the time we left Prague - however, we made it into the
countryside and was able to get some air flowing through as we headed
south for the Podyji National Park - right on the border with Austria,
near the Czech town of Znojmo (don't ask how to pronounce that one).
Poor Marea took a driving stint part way through, then only 5 minutes
later she got flashed by a speed camera :-) It will be interesting to
see what reciprocal agreements are in place, and whether a Czech speed
camera fine will make its way to the UK??

After being spoilt by the 24 hour light of Scandinavia, we are still
getting used to the fact that it can be very very hard to find a safe,
flat camping spot once it is dark. We got caught tonight, but did
find a parking sign in the forest - this parking area seemed very
weird as it was just a 10 metre single lane track with two ends
adjoining the main road. So if more than three cars parked the middle
one would be stuck!?? Never mind, it is unlikely that any more cars
will join us in the night.

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