Tuesday 19 August 2008

16/08/08 - Freshies in August?!?

It was another beautiful morning of rain, rain, and more rain!! Very
cozy when you are snuggled up in bed listening to the rain come down
on the roof, with no guilt at all about not getting out and doing
stuff :-)

In saying that, our temperamental lap top decided it was going to work
today - so finally I have got around to updating my CV!!! I'm afraid
we can't live out of the real world forever.

The rain sub-sided by the afternoon, so we made a quick hop down the
road to the village of Kaprun. A quick stroll round town included an
unsuccessful search for a pub that might be showing Tri-nations rugby
(a small village in Austria - I guess we were dreaming). Then, not
venturing too high into the cloud covered mountains we took a walk
around the lowest of a number of hydro lakes that exist up the valley.
Slowly, but surely, the clouds above began to clear, giving much more to view. It soon became apparent that the rain we had down the bottom was snow at the tops!!! Cool.

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